We were planning to have D.J.
Fontana and the Cadillac Band in Turkey in this summer. DJ
Fontana and his wife Karen sent a new message recently. We hope
to see them in our country.
Fontana's last message:
----- Original Message -----
From: Karen & DJ Fontana
To: Elvis Turk
Sent: Saturday, November 26, 2005 8:03 PM
Subject: Re: Preparations for DJ Fontana Concert in Turkey
Thank you for your nice e-mail. DJ and I are looking forward to
meeting you next week. You have a great web site, thank you for
putting so much about DJ on your site.
Please tell your members that DJ would love to come to Turkey
and do a show for the fans there. Hopefully it will work out
Looking forward to meeting you.
Karen & DJ Fontana
Elvis' legendary drummer D.J. Fontana sent a special message to
ElvisTurk members:
Hi ElvisTurk Members,
My wife and I are really looking forward to coming to Turkey and
meeting everyone. It will be fun talking about Elvis and sharing
We are looking forward to seeing your beautiful country.
DJ Fontana
(The picture above was sent from Fontana and his manager.)